Investigation of the critical actors in collaborative ecosystem with the focus on the science-technology interactions

Project leader: Andrea Schiffauerová (Concordia University)

Other researchers: Majlinda Zhegu (UQAM)

Start and end dates: November 2018 – November 2022

The purpose of this project is to study the unique roles of various critical actors who influence the collaborative ecosystem. The presence of these critical actors (who can be intermediaries of knowledge transmission, various inter-connectors within and between collaborative ecosystems, relationship catalysts or innovation coordinators) has an impact on the knowledge and technology flows within the ecosystem and, consequently, on the scientific and innovative productivity of the other actors and on the knowledge and innovation production of the ecosystem as a whole. Using big data analytics, machine learning and simulation this project aims to determine which actors in the ecosystem are critical, how to identify them in the real ecosystem, which characteristics make them critical and how exactly they influence the ecosystem, with a special emphasis on their role in bridging the gap between science and technology and innovation.

This content has been updated on 2024-01-30 at 19 h 05 min.