News | Page 8


The Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster: NGen's Initiatives to Implement an Effective Innovation Culture

by Nicolas Sacchetti The Canadian manufacturing companies need innovation to thrive. Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen) presents the Canadian Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Supercluster. Innovation and intellectual property protection are central to NGen's mission. Stewart Cramer is the Chief Manufacturing Officer at NGen. He is joined by his colleague Rhonda O'Keefe, Vice President of Intellectual Property […] Read more


Innovation as a Leading Manufacturing Company in Canada

Innovation in advanced manufacturing makes profits possible while employing Canadian workers. It is through open collaboration and knowledge sharing that Canadian companies will be able to manufacture domestically made products, using advanced technology. Here is an alternative business model that breaks the cycle of unethical exploitation of overseas workers. by Nicolas Sacchetti It is more […] Read more


The Efficiency of AI Assisting the Legal Field

by Nicolas Sacchetti Professionals in the legislative community and officials in the judiciary are finding their job easier with innovation in artificial intelligence (AI). Pierre-Samuel Dubé, Senior Director of Irosoft Legal, presents, as part of the pre-conference of the P4IE Congress, the AI ​​products and services offered by the Montréal company specializing in the valuation […] Read more

News Events

4POINT0 2022 International Conference

We are organizing the second “Policies, Processes and Practices for Performance of Innovation Ecosystems” (P4IE) international conference on 9-10-11 May 2022 in Ottawa with the collaboration of Statistics Canada (StatCan). The event will be preceded by one-day pre-conference Summer School that will offer the opportunity for the participants to learn more about and gain hands-on experience on new databases, tools and methods to measure the performance of innovation indicators. Read more

News Events

4POINT0 2021 International Conference

We are organizing the first ‘‘Policies, Processes and Practices for Performance of Innovation Ecosystems” (P4IE) international conference on 10-13 May 2021. Organized around eight highly relevant tracks, the conference offers participants the opportunity to discuss the impact of various technologies, practices, processes and policies, on innovation ecosystems, and the best means by which to design collaborative environments. The goal of the conference is to explore ways to strengthen Canada’s innovation through innovation ecosystems. Read more


From Dunkirk to the moon

Nous vivons une époque sans précédent. Le tiers de la population mondiale est confinée et la majeure partie de l’économie est arrêtée. Nous vivons au jour le jour, accrochés aux statistiques et espérant un ralentissement de la progression de la pandémie de la COVID-19. Jamais dans le passé récent n’avons-nous vécu une crise d’une telle ampleur. Read more