P4IE 2022

P4IE 2022

Unveiling Actors in Collaboration Networks

by Nicolas Sacchetti At the 4POINT0 Conference on Policies, Processes, and Practices for the Performance of Innovation Ecosystem (P4IE 2022), Mahsa Noori Najafi, a Ph.D. student at Concordia University supervised by Drs. Schiffauerova and Ebadi, presented her research titled Using Simulation to Investigate the Role Of Critical Actors In a Collaborative Ecosystem. The research focuses on individual-level […] Lire la suite

P4IE 2022

A Topic-Based Patent Analysis for Mapping Technological Trends in the 5G Industry

by Nicolas Sacchetti At the 4POINT0 Conference on Policies, Processes, and Practices for the Performance of Innovation Ecosystems (P4IE 2022), Davide Pulizzotto, along with his colleague Mehdi Raiem and in collaboration with Anas Ramdani and Catherine Beaudry, presented their research. Pulizzotto and Raiem contend that 5G technology is set to assume a dominant role in […] Lire la suite

P4IE 2022

Web Mining to Collect Data

by Nicolas Sacchetti Mikael Héroux-Vaillancourt who obtained his Ph.D. earlier this year in Technology and Innovation Management within the CDC-Innov Chair at Polytechnique Montréal, emphasizes the potential of utilizing data science methodologies in firm’s innovation research.  His presentation was a part of the May 9th P4IE Pre-Conference on Measuring Metrics that Matter, hosted by 4POINT0. […] Lire la suite

Actualités P4IE 2022

Canada’s New Innovation and Investment Agency: How data could help foster innovation

by Nicolas Sacchetti  Data driven enterprise empowerment – Helping firms help themselves to innovate. Catherine Beaudry, director of 4POINT0, led a discussion on May 10, 2022, about the Indicators and Data Effectiveness Assessment to Foster Impactful Innovation (IDEA) Hackathon results and ways forward to a Statistic Act 2.0. The panel was composed of:  Guillaume Paré – […] Lire la suite

Actualités P4IE 2022

L’EDI : la justice sociale jusqu’à IA 

par Nicolas Sacchetti À l’ère numérique, il est nécessaire de mobiliser les talents afin d’accompagner les transformations majeures en cours. Selon IVADO, les femmes sont particulièrement sous-représentées dans le domaine de la science des données, de l’université au marché du travail. « À mesure que le numérique et, demain,  l’intelligence artificielle (IA) deviennent omniprésents dans nos vies, [le] manque de diversité […] Lire la suite

Actualités P4IE 2022

EDI and Digital Intelligence: An Action Plan

by Nicolas Sacchetti To lead greater inclusive and responsible innovation in digital intelligence (DI), researchers Gita Ghiasi and Amanda Riddles present recommendations and action plans to help create a more inclusive environment that fosters innovation. It has been based on a survey of people’s experience related to Equity – Diversity – Inclusivity (EDI) in IVADO’s academic ecosystem. One of the first […] Lire la suite